Tuesday 6 December 2011

Guidance for Digipak & Advert

  • Analyse CD covers that are relevant to your chosen genre. This will help you to understand the conventions and lead to you some good ideas. For example, does the artist need to be featured on the cover or are symbolic images used instead?

  • Ensure that there is a clear connection between the promotional material and your music video. Think about the style and look of the artist.

  • Drafting is as important here as in the music video. Show the range of photographs that you have taken for the promotional material before you edit the selected ones.

  • Make a flat plan of the digipak and advert showing how you will lay them out.

  • Produce a first draft and then seek feedback from either your teachers or the audience.

  • Experiment with type faces and select the most appropriate.

This is the independent part of the coursework. If you are working in a team on the music video you will need to carry out this work by yourself.


Music Video FINAL: Monday 19th December 2011

1st Draft of Promotional Material: Tuesday 20th December 2011